Women today are faced with hectic lives, and getting the balance right in so many aspects of it is hard. It’s not just the work-life balance. We seem to juggle a variety of tasks from kids, partners, housework, laundry, ageing parents, lockdown zooms, home-schooling, and all of this leaves very little time for ourselves, or for planning in a 7-day health and exercise regime.
It’s hard keeping all 50 hormones in-check, they constantly fluctuate as we go through life. When everything is balanced and in sync, you won’t notice anything amiss it’s when they are out of whack your body alarm bells start ringing.
The symptoms of a hormonal imbalance can vary widely; here are just a few:
· Difficulty sleeping
· Dry skin
· Anxiety or mood changes
· Brittle hair and nails
· Breast tenderness
· Excessive sweating
· Sexual appetite shifts
We formulated our Vitality and Wellness capsules to help alleviate these symptoms. The Vegan approved supplements gently and naturally restore balance to your body whilst supporting your libido and promoting deeper sleep, which we all agree would be a welcomed boost that we all need in 2020.
The natural ingredients in our formula have been used by ancient civilisations throughout history. They include:
Shatavari – Shatavari supports female health from menarche to menopause, conception to postpartum, and any hormonal imbalance or issue in between
Maca root – has the potential to increase libido. It may also reduce feelings of anxiety and depression and help improve blood pressure.
Ginseng – is typically taken for irritability, anxiousness, and sleep disturbances caused by menopause or during a woman´s menstrual cycle.
Muira puama’s – ability to increase blood flow may also contribute to reducing stress, women who suffer from fatigue and exhaustion may experience an energy boost.
Lycium barbarum – can lead to increased ratings for energy levels, athletic performance, quality of sleep, ease of awakening, ability to focus on activities, mental acuity, calmness, feelings of health, contentment, and happiness and significantly reduced fatigue and stress
Take one or two of the Vegan approved pearl pink capsules per day with a glass of water and continue for 90 days.
Then brace yourself for the feel-good factor!