How to reduce lockdown fatigue

How to reduce lockdown fatigue

We knew the third lockdown was on the cards, and we’d experienced a national lockdown before. 

What we didn’t realise was how hard this lockdown would be. We’ve seen across the news and when talking to friends and family, a shared overwhelming feeling of struggling more this time than before.

It might be the realisation we are a year further down the line, and yet we seem to back at square one.   The weather isn’t helping, money and/or job struggles worsen, homeschooling adds to the burden and whatever the reason, it seems more intense this time around.

Lockdown fatigue can manifest in a variety of ways. Hopefully, this blog with the help you spot the signs, and together, we can overcome them.

Fatigue is, as we know, to feel constantly tired, lethargic, out of whack. You’re sleeping less, and you feel restless, worn out, and generally groggy.  The medical name is sleep inertia.

Structure, sleep and supplements


The three S’s. 

You ideally need to get some structure back into your day. If you are no longer commuting to work, do something else with this time, like a walk around the block. It’s called Fake Commuting.

When you return, start your day with a healthy breakfast.

This is always a great way to start the day.


Healthy breakfast and Siren supplements
Healthy breakfast and Siren Vitality & Wellness Supplements

Make sure in your daily routine you have some structure. Remember, it’s not all work. 

Make sure you have a healthy mix of exercise and sleep in there too!  Then we move onto supplements.  Siren Vitality & Wellness is a VEGAN APPROVED all-natural supplement that helps balance your hormones so you can look and feel great every day of the year.

Two of our Vitality & Wellness ingredients are, Vitamin B12 which reduces tiredness and fatigue and Maca. It has been claimed that Maca helps you gain muscle, increase strength, and boost your overall energy. So, it’s a win-win.


Let’s kick-start and bounce into Spring with our positive pants on and feeling energised and ready to take on Summer in whatever form it brings.


To help get you started on your Siren journey, we have a 3 for 2 offer on, so it’s not only a great time to take advantage of this with Spring coming up, but you get a month’s supply free*, taking you nicely into the middle/end of June.


*Each bottle is equivalent to one month’s supply.


To view all the benefits and ingredients of the Vitality & Wellness capsules, click here.

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