Undo the Winter damage to your Hair, Skin and Nails

Undo the Winter damage to your Hair, Skin and Nails

One way we’ve all been coping with the third lockdown is by getting out for our daily exercise. We can’t pop the gym or local swimming pool, but we are walking, jogging, running. OUTSIDE.

Whilst getting out into the fresh, cold, winter air is a positive move for our mental health and wellbeing, it’s doing the opposite for our lovely locks, exposed skin and nails.

It’s common to suffer from dry, tight, irritable skin, chapped lips and brittle nails in Winter. But this doesn’t mean it’s not preventable.

Why not compliment your moisturising routine with our Hair, Skin and Nail capsules and tackle the problem from the inside out!

By including this supplement into your daily routine, you will add the key nutrients needed to maintain beautiful Hair, Skin & Nails!

Our Hair, Skin and Nail capsule ingredients are:

Collagen, Vitamin C, Iron, Hyaluronic Acid, Grapeseed Extract and Biotin.


Hair, Skin and Nails capsules
Hair, Skin and Nails capsules natural ingredients

Alongside taking the Natural supplements, you could also add the following into the mix.

  • Take cooler shorter showers (long hot showers can strip the moisture from your skin and hair)
  • When you’re going out dress for the occasion, with hats, scarfs and gloves. Avoid windburn and lots of prolonged exposure to the cold icy air that we are currently experiencing
  • Stay hydrated. Always have a bottle of water to one side, whether you’re working from home, home-schooling or watching a well-deserved box set
  • Wash your hair less, try dry shampoo (or talc). Miss out the shampoo every other wash and go straight to the conditioner. Shampoo strips moisture from the hair
  • Avoid blow-drying and straightening the hair. Add a tiny bit of olive oil on the hair and brush with a wide-tooth comb and let it dry naturally.
  • Wash-up with rubber gloves, always keep hand cream near the sink and use it after washing your hands – every time.
  • Always put a decent amount of hand cream on before bed and if you have any ‘hand-cream gloves’ pop them on.


Let’s not let lockdown get the better of us, let’s promise ourselves we will look after ourselves and bounce into Spring looking and feeling amazing!


Give yourself that Outer Glow that you get from glossy Hair, smooth Skin and shiny Nails!!


To read more on the health benefits, and ingredients of the capsules click here…











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